

Sunday, January 29


i take a very long time

to decide

and i never get any answer 



i take a step

one big step

to make me closer to you ya Allah

i always think

i am not ready



i done it

there is a few thing we don't have to wait

we just try it

take the risk

it's better in that way

thanks to my friend

Maryam  & Syafiqa

they help me

at last

I am a niqabis

just the way i dream

all this long way

at last

i decide

for you

 Ya Allah

bless our life



Saturday, January 7

public speaking- we made it !

public speaking-semi final round :)

we got 20 topics for prepare

but only one of them we will present

on a very busy week

this is very challenging for me

or maybe for other contestant too

this is those topics

1.     A Man of Adab (Insan Adabi)
2.    KUIS  as  A Sought-After University; Not A Left-Over Choice
3.    Ta‘dib : The Right Concept of Islamic Education
4.    Muhammad SAW is the Best Example of a Man.
5.    Negative Effects of the Pervasive Loss of Adab.
6.    My Biggest Concern for the Future.
7.    Having a Target in Life Sets a Better Future.
8.    Intelligence is Not Enough.
9.    We are just a Daie’, never a Judge.
10. Seeking the Blessing of ALLAH
11.  He that Hurts Others Hurts Himself
12. Allah’s Promises of Rizq.
13. Love in The Name of ALLAH.
14. Step by Step the Ladder is Ascended
15. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.
(a famous quote by J.C. Maxwell)
16. Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.
 (a famous quote by William Butler Yeats)
17. Parents Are Responsible For Who Their Children Would Be.
18. Life is Islam
19. Al-Quran is the Source of Medicines
20.Let’s be True Muslims!

on that day :)
i am so nervous

afraid what topic i will get

at last i got topic number 16


i done it well 

but i didn't won anything :)

but i learn a lot

like my friend, ummu said

if still have we will enter again

insyaAllah :)

congrats to my senior, he won 3rd place

and all senior & audience that stay until the end :) and all the committee !